Ben Eiseman 10th Mountain Division Hut near Vail, Colorado
This backcountry skiing experience entailed a hearty approach of 7 miles, 3000′ of vertical, and decent sized packs (did I really need to bring the tripod?). Not to mention, we left Santa Fe at 5am and drove for 6 hours before starting the ski. We arrived at the hut just before dark and promptly passed out. The Ben Eiseman hut sits a bit above 11,000′ and is part of the 10th Mountain Division Hut System. I was really impressed by the hut and it’s a really comfortable place to spend a few nights. Exploring the morning after arriving:
Alana takes a turn behind the camera:
Alana skinning back towards the hut:
The snow was a bit crusty when we arrived due to a recent warm spell, but a snowstorm provided some decent powder towards the end of the trip. Good snow or bad, a trip to the hut is a great experience.